100% Made in France

Le chocolat des Français has the will to find back the simple pleasure of the chocolate from childhood : a gourmet product, with the finest quality, generous, comforting, which always brings back a smile !
France, major country for chocolate !
When we talk about chocolate, we instantly think about Swiss or Belgian chocolates. Yet, France was the first country to have introduced chocolate in Europe, and we shouldn’t be shy to promote our exceptional know-how, perpetuating since more than 3 centuries ! Based on this observation, Le chocolat des Français was born with the will of enhancing the French chocolate artisans. Known for being the best of the world, they have the particularity of elaborating a unique chocolate with authentic taste, perfectly balanced and with exceptional flavours.
A unique handmade know-how
We have traveled all around France, looking for this unique know-how. Determined to surround ourselves with the best French artisans, we have created trusting and genuine relationships with four masters chocolate, each one mastering his own expertise. All of them have strong values that we share : a production 100% made in France, the respect of traditional methods, and the valorisation of human capital. Since, we closely work together in order to elaborate unique recipes, always delicious and sophisticated.

A supply from the best producers
We are sourcing our cocoa beans directly from Ecuadorian and Peruvian planters, which have seduced us with their high qualified work and the fineness of their beans. Besides their ethical commitments and a sustainable agriculture, they perfectly master the know-how of fermentation and drying. Thanks to their expertise, we can fully enjoy the aromatic richness of their cocoa beans. We make our proper blendings in order to get the accurate senory profile required for each of our recipes. This way, we obtain a unique range of tastes, all perfectly balanced.

We accord as much importance to the selection of all other ingredients, present in our different range of chocolate recipes. This is why we multiply meetings with producers to select the best ingredients, always given priority to the one from France. Salt from Camargue, salt from Guérande, but also sugar from beets from the North, all participating to the quality of our recipes. This rigor allow us to ensure 100% natural products, without palm oil or conservatives and certified “pure cocoa butter” !

Our hard work has been rewarded by different prestigious prices and has seduced well-known chefs like Thierry Marx** and Pierre Augé. We are also very proud to be able to put the lable BIO AB on all our chocolate bars.

Towards a chocolate with 100% French cocoa beans
To go further with our 100% made in France commitment, since more than 6 years we support a planters association with the goal of launching a production of cocoa in French Guyane. Beans from French Guyane have a specific signature, proper to the territory, which were very appreciated during the XVIIe century but have been forgotten for the benefit of other cultures less expensive. This collaboration permitted us to produce the first chocolate bars with 100% French cocoa beans.